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Naropa lived in India about 900 years ago. Naropa was a great learned man versed in Sutras, Tantras and many other ancient lores. During Naropa stay in the famous Nalanda monastery his intellectual accomplishment was foremost and without any match. But Naropa intellectual pride was humbled by an old lady who was an emanation of Vajrayogini. At that time, she also suggested him to consult Tilopa for the real understanding of Mahamudra.

Naropa searched for Tilopa exerting much effort. His arduous search and devotion to Tilopa has become a legend in itself. Naropa found Tilopa by the bank of a river. He was dressed like a mad man and was eating fish which was unusual for a holy man. Naropa underwent training under him for about twelve years and received the inner transmission of Mahamudra practice. Guru Naropa profound Mahamudra teachings was received by Tilopa directly from Buddha Vajradhara. Naropa is generally dressed in the white lower garments of a yogi. Naropa body is of an ash colour like that of a wandering mendicant. Naropa left hand holds a skull cup filled with nectar and his right hand shows varada mudra. Naropa sits in Lalitasana posture under an antilope mat. Naropa wears a meditation band on his waist.

Some NAROPA Available for Purchase

24 cm Buddhist Handmade Statue of NAROPA, Full Gold Plated, Stone Setting, Face Painted
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$ 440.00 - 10% off
22 cm Naropa Statue, Chocolate Oxidize, Sold
Qty pcs
$ 220.00 - 10% off
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