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Aakash Bhairav
The two-armed MahÄkÄla called Bernakchen (Black Coat) is a protector of the Karma Kagyu school, although he derives from Nyingma terma and was adopted by the Karma Kagyu during the time of 2nd Karmapa, Karma Pakshi. He is often depicted with his consort Rangjung Gyalmo. (He is of the hindu deties of Brahma Group. He is one of the eight terrible deities of the Buddhist pantheon with a ornaments of snakes, Canine teeth, protuding belly and dresses with tiger skin. He is dark blue in color. He carries trisual and kapal ain his tow hands. He may have one face with tow, four or six arms or eight faces with sixteen arms, As he is the defender of law, he is given a good position at the enbtranc door of Buddhist Shriens.
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