[country] => United States
[mode] => Standard
[buying_id] => 1743154098107
[c1] => show
[c2] => show
[c3] => show
[c4] => show
[c5] => show
[c6] => show
[c7] => show
[c8] => show
[c9] => show
[c10] => show
[c11] => show
[c_trigger] => no
[redirect] => ?action=show_product&cid=800&scid=980
Powder Incense The handmade herbal incense is an all-natural and eco-friendly way to elevate your meditation and spiritual practices. This incense powder is made using traditional methods and contains only the finest herbs, flowers, and spices. The delicate fragrance creates a peaceful and serene atmosphere, perfect for use in your home, office, or temple. The incense powder is easy to use and can be sprinkled on top of lit coals or mixed with oil to create a beautiful, aromatic smoke