[country] => United States
[mode] => Standard
[buying_id] => 17431545711901
[c1] => show
[c2] => show
[c3] => show
[c4] => show
[c5] => show
[c6] => show
[c7] => show
[c8] => show
[c9] => show
[c10] => show
[c11] => show
[c_trigger] => no
[redirect] => ?action=show_product&cid=583&scid=891
Vajradhara Vajradhara Thangka is a traditional Tibetan art form that represents the Vajrayana Buddhist deity, Vajradhara. This spiritual art form is highly revered in Tibetan Buddhism and is believed to bring blessings and positive energy to the home. Each Thangka is made with high-quality materials and features intricate designs and details, making it a unique and meaningful addition to your Buddhist home decor. The Vajradhara Thangka is a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual practice, and its beauty and spiritual significance make it a highly sought-after piece of art for collectors and practitioners alike.