[country] => United States
[mode] => Standard
[buying_id] => 1743153880996
[c1] => show
[c2] => show
[c3] => show
[c4] => show
[c5] => show
[c6] => show
[c7] => show
[c8] => show
[c9] => show
[c10] => show
[c11] => show
[c_trigger] => no
[redirect] => ?action=show_product&cid=569&scid=999
Saraswati The Saraswati Thangka features the goddess Saraswati, who is revered in Hinduism and Buddhism as the deity of knowledge, music, and the arts. This intricate thangka portrays her seated on a lotus flower with a veena or sitar in her hands, surrounded by flowers and birds.