[country] => United States
[mode] => Standard
[buying_id] => 17431536593319
[c1] => show
[c2] => show
[c3] => show
[c4] => show
[c5] => show
[c6] => show
[c7] => show
[c8] => show
[c9] => show
[c10] => show
[c11] => show
[c_trigger] => no
[redirect] => ?action=show_product&cid=1&scid=327
ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, also known as the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow, is a revered figure in Buddhism. This Bodhisattva is known for their compassionate vow to bring salvation to all sentient beings and to not achieve Buddhahood until all beings have been saved. Ksitigarbha is often depicted in Buddhist art as a gentle and kind figure, adorned with flowing robes and a serene expression. The Ksitigarbha statue is a popular symbol in Buddhist art and is believed to bring peace, tranquility, and protection to those who display it in their homes or meditation spaces. This statue serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and selfless service in one's spiritual journey and inspires the pursuit of enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.