[country] => United States
[mode] => Standard
[buying_id] => 17431986173280
[c1] => show
[c2] => show
[c3] => show
[c4] => show
[c5] => show
[c6] => show
[c7] => show
[c8] => show
[c9] => show
[c10] => show
[c11] => show
[c_trigger] => no
Statue Set The Buddhist statues collection features a range of beautiful and handcrafted figures of the Buddha and other important figures in Buddhism. The statue set is a perfect addition to this collection, offering a complete display of sacred figures for your home or temple. Each statue is made from high-quality materials and crafted with attention to detail to ensure authenticity and to offer a meaningful representation of the divine. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting your spiritual journey, the Buddhist statues collection has everything you need to deepen your connection with the divine.
21 cm Shakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha and Amitabha Buddha, Buddhist Handmade Statue Set, Silver and Chocolate Oxidized, Face Paintedand High Quality
21 cm
Shakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha And Amitabha Buddha, Buddhist Handmade Statue Set, Silver And Chocolate Oxidized, Face Painted And High Quality
10 cm Buddhist Handmade Statue of Pancha Buddha Set of Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Ratnasambhava Buddha, Vairochana Buddha, Amoghasiddi Buddha, Full Gold Plated, Face Painted, Per Pcs 200Grams
10 cm
Buddhist Handmade Statue Of Pancha Buddha Set Of Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Ratnasambhava Buddha, Vairochana Buddha, Amoghasiddi Buddha, Full Gold Plated, Face Painted, Per Pcs 200Grams
18 cm Buddhist Statue of Three Buddha Set, with Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha and Medicine Buddha, Face Painted, Stone Setting, Partly Gold Plated
18 cm
Buddhist Statue Of Three Buddha Set, With Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha And Medicine Buddha, Face Painted, Stone Setting, Partly Gold Plated