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Amitabha Buddha-34502
Date Added : 2024-12-10 01:57:16      (36)Views

Amitabha Buddha, Buddhist Handmade Statue, Full Gold Plated, Face Painted, Stone Setting and High Quality , Buddha of Infinite Light: Symbol of Boundless Compassion
Opame Amituofo Amida Nyorai

Code HME34502
34cm (13")
25cm (10")
16cm (6")
Weight 4.07 kg - 8.97 lbs
Material Copper
Availability Available

Order configuration (Optional)

Filling & Blessing
Select Option
Click Here to View All Option and Prices
$74 Filling and Blessing
$68 Filling Only
$14 Blessing Only
Statue Finishing
Select Option
Click Here to View All Option and Prices
$90 Partly Gold Plated
$107 Partly Gold Plated with extra gold
$175 HQ, Partly Gold Plated
$90 Electro gold Plated
$115 Electro Gold with painted Face
$115 Electro Gold with Antique finish
$132 Electro Gold Plated with Painted face an
$217 Full Gold with face paint
$200 Full Fire Gold Plated
$302 HQ, Full Fire Gold with face paint
$217 Full Fire Gold Anique Finishing
$311 HQ, Full Fire Gold With Matt Finishing
$328 HQ, Full Fire Gold with Antique Finihsin
$362 HQ Full Gold with Gold Painted Skin
$90 Colors only Basic
$217 Color and Gold Good
$302 Good Quality Color and gold Good Quality
$217 Color Gold and Sivler
$302 HQ, Color and Stond Setting
$430 HQ Gold Empahised Color support
$685 HQ, Cremamic wasable Color, with Gold
$30 Chocolate Oxidized
$30 Dark Chocolate oxidized
$47 Chocolate oxidized with Silver plating
$39 Double Color Oxidation
$39 Chocolate Oxidized with Painted Face
$39 Silver Plated Oxidized
$47 Extra Silver Plated Oxidized with Painte
$56 Silver Plated Double Color Oxidized wit
$107 Silver Plated, Gold ornament, with Doub
$107 Silver Skin and Gold ornaments Plated D
$30 Antique With red Powder
$56 Antique finishing with face paint
$107 Green antique finishing
$158 Painted Antique Finishing
$132 Super Antique
$13 Glossy Finished
$30 Copper Plated
$73 Stone Setting
$81 Stone Setting & Antique Finishing
Quantity PCS US$ 1,350.00
$ 1,500.00 -10% off
Shipping Cost
Discount Buddhist
Status: Active
  • Shipping Calculation

    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 4.5 kg and will cost USD $ 62.87

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  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

  • Dispatch
  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

  • Payment
  • Paypal | Credit - Debit Card | Bank Transfer | See More
  • Return
  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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Discount Buddhist
To help adjust for the recent dollar price hike and ensure that our customers can continue to enjoy our collection, we are offering a 10% discount on all Buddhist statues and figurines. This special offer is our way of making these sacred pieces more accessible while maintaining the quality and craftsmanship that define our products.
Amitabha Buddha
Amitabha is head of the Lotus Family, one of oldest & significant of the Five Buddha Families. This family represents love, purity, compassion & peace. Amitabha Purelandis a place of infinite bliss & boundless light. He will guide you along a path of simplicity and purity towards such a place where you can find inner contentment. Amitabha will help you overcome addictions and cravings. Read More
Amitabha Buddha is also one of the five Tathagatas representing the wisdom of discriminating awareness (skt. Pratyavekshanajnana). When discriminating wisdom dawns on us we realize Non-production or non-origination of all things. He also represents purified form of desire.

Amitabha Buddha is red in color. He is represented in the stupa facing to the west. He rides on peacock symbolizing that he can take away the suffering of others just as the peacock eats poisonous plants and yet his tail shines forth.

Amitabha in Sanskrit means immeasurable light or limitless light. He resides in the western land of unlimited bliss (skt. Sukhavati). He is assisted by two Bodhisattvas viz. Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. When he was a bodhisattva he was called Bhikshu Dharmakara. He made vows to establish an adorned land of unlimited bliss to ferry over those living beings who recite his name. On the basis of those vows, any living being who has faith, makes vows and practices diligently will be received by this Buddha and reborn in the pure land of unlimited bliss.

Amitabha Buddha presides over the Bhadrakalpa i.e. Fortunate Aeon. He always exhibits Dhyana mudra. He belongs to the Lotus family. He originates from the seed syllable Hrih. He can be recognized through the symbol of the lotus. With his extensive vows and great compassion this Buddha has ferried over innumerable sentient beings. The recitation of the name of Amitabha Buddha is a common practice in China and Japan. In Tibet too, devotees recite very often the prayer to be reborn in the land of Amitabha Buddha.urity
The word 'Amitabha' is composed of 2 syllables. Amita-[Skt.] translates as infinite & -bha universal life or simply the universe. Related Sanskrit words include bha-va asin Bhavachakra & Bha-gavad as in Bhagavad Gita. Amitabha is often translated as Boundless Light which is taken to be the boundless Universe. Amitabha realised a Pure Land called Sukhavati which meanspossessinghappinessin Sanskrit. Sukhavati is situated in the uttermost west beyond the bounds of rational understanding. By the power of his vows he made it possible for all who call upon him to be reborn into this land, there to undergo instruction by him in the dharma and ultimately become bodhisattvas & Buddhas. Amitabha is one of the five Transcendent Buddhas emanated from the primeval 'Adi' Buddha Vajrdhara. Each of the transcendent Buddhas has arisen to help us overcome the five obstructions [Skt. Kleshas] to our spiritual growth and each is the Head of a Family. The Sanskrit word Klesha means poison in the sense of curruption. For this reason the transcendent Buddhas are called Wisdom Buddhas; they possess the wisdom to overcome viz. transcend the five obstructions are greed, hatred, delusion, jealousy & pride. Amitabha is formed to help us overcome greed [often expressed as desire]. Greed is conceived of as a thirst [Skt. Tanha] or appetite for the destructive things that harm us such as smoking, alcohol & selfishness. The transcendent Buddhas are sometimecalled the Meditation [Skt. Dhyana] Buddhas as people meditate on their wisdoms to overcome the five obstructions to spiritual growth to anable us to reach a higher level of understanding.
Full Fire Gold Plating
This Amitabha Buddha is finished with full gold plating. also known as mercury gold plating or fire gold plating. This traditional technique involves the application of a genuine layer of gold onto the Amitabha Buddha. Referred to as mercury gold plating, it is considered the correct and authentic form of gold plating in Nepal. Despite being more expensive than electroplating, this traditional mercury gold plating is gaining popularity again in Nepal. People are drawn to its authenticity, longevity, and the unmatched beauty it brings to the Amitabha Buddha. The resurgence of interest in this traditional form of gold plating reflects a growing appreciation for the craftsmanship and cultural heritage of Nepal Read More
Gold Painted Face
The face of Amitabha Buddha is painted with gold to enhance its significant features, particularly the eyes, and lips. This detailed painting is essential as it brings forth the crucial attributes of the expression of eyes and lips that metal carving alone cannot capture.
Moreover, the painted face serves as a symbolic and sacred ritual in Buddhism, preparing the statue for consecration and practice. The act of painting the face with gold in Buddhism holds deep meaning. It represents the intention to bring life and expression to the statue, imbuing it with a sense of vitality and presence. The application of gold on the face showcases the devotion and craftsmanship of the artisans, ensuring that every detail is carefully attended to honor the sacred essence of the Amitabha Buddha. Read More
Finishing: Stone Setting
The Amitabha Buddha is adorned with an exquisite array of semi-precious stones, including turquoise, coral, and lapis lazuli. These stones are carefully selected and meticulously placed on the Amitabha Buddha's surface, adding a touch of opulence and enhancing its overall beauty. Each stone is thoughtfully positioned using a high-quality adhesive, ensuring secure and long-lasting attachment. The vibrant colors and unique patterns of the stones create a captivating contrast against the backdrop of the Amitabha Buddha, elevating its visual appeal and making it truly eye-catching. Read More
Lost-Wax System
This Amitabha Buddha is made by the process of the Lost-Wax system. The lost-wax process, also known as investment casting, is a time-honored technique used to create metal sculptures. It involves several steps that have been practiced for thousands of years. Skilled artisans begin by sculpting a detailed wax model, capturing every intricate detail of the desired sculpture. The wax model is then coated with a ceramic shell, formed by multiple layers of ceramic material. Once the shell has cured, the wax is melted and drained out, leaving behind a cavity. Molten metal is poured into the cavity, creating a precise replica of the original wax model. After the metal has cooled and solidified, the ceramic shell is carefully removed, revealing the final metal sculpture. Read More
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