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Palden Lahmo-30611
Date Added : 2023-08-24 08:55:54      (330)Views

Palden Lahmo Thanka, RealGold, Tibetan Buddhist Art, Hand Painted, Real Gold, Rare Find , Wrathful protector, fierce compassion
Palden Lhamo Baidanlamu Hariti

Code HME30611
90cm (35")
67cm (26")
Weight 300 gm - 0.66 lbs
Material Cotton canvas
Availability Available

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Thangka Brocading
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$94 Polyester Brocade Red
$94 Polyester Brocade Green with Yellow door
$94 Polyester Brocade light Green
$94 Polyester Brocade Dark Red with door
$94 Polyester Brocade Red and Gold
$94 Polyester Brocade Yellow
$94 Polyester Brocade Green
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue with Flower desig
$94 Polyester Brocade Yellow ver 2
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue wiht yellow Door
$94 Polyester Brocade Red with Blue door
$94 Polyester Brocade Orange with Black Door
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue with dragons
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue Ver 2
$94 Polyester Brocade Silver color
$94 Polyester Brocade Black with Silver
$94 Polyester Brocade Red with black
$94 Polyester Brocade Blue with Flower ver 2
$94 Polyester Brocade Black with flowers
$94 Polyester Brocade Green Double Dorje
$94 Polyester Brocade Pink
$94 Polyester Brocade Light Blue Dragon
$155 Silk Brocade Golden color
$155 Silk Brocade in Blue
$155 Silk Brocade Green
$155 Silk Brocade Purple
$155 Silk Brocade Red
$245 Khadi Brocade Red
$245 Khadi Brocade Gray
$245 Khadi Brocade Purple with Yellow gate
$245 Khadi Brocade Olive
$245 Khadi Brocade Red
$245 Khadi Brocade Green
$245 Khadi Brocade Red v2
$245 Khadi Brocade Yellow v2
$245 Khadi Brocade Blue v2
Brocade knob
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$5 Metal Brocade Nob [Small]
$10 Metal Brocade Nob
$5 Wooden Brocade Nob [Small]
$10 Wooden Brocade Nob
$40 Carved Brocade Nob
$50 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob - Dargon
$50 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob - Mandala
$70 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob
Thangka Blessing
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$23 Thangka Blessing
$53 Blessing At Monastry of Choice
Quantity PCS US$ 560.00
$ 800.00 -30% off
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Selling on ETSY discount
Status: Active
Alternative Store [ETSY]
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    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 0.5 kg and will cost USD $ 26.94

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  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

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  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

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  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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Palden Lahmo
Palden Lhamo amo, Shri Devi (Sanskrit), is a protecting Dharmapala of the teachings of Gautama Buddha in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. She is also called Remati. She is the wrathful deity considered to be the principal Protectress of Tibet.
Palden Lhamo is the consort of Mahakala and has been described as "the tutelary deity of Tibet and its government", and as "celebrated all over Tibet and Mongolia, and the potent protector of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas and Lhasa."
she is said to reside in a lake within Tibet, called Lhamo Latso. The lake is charged with spiritual energy and is said to bestow future visions. One of the methods to search for a new incarnation of the Dalai Lama, the search party will meditate and propitiate Palden Lhamo by this lake. Read More
She is usually depicted in nakthang [black-ground style scroll] crossing the sea of blood riding side-saddle on a white mule. There is an eye on the left rump of the mule which is the place where her irate husband's arrow found a mark. She had killed her son and used his flayed skin as a saddle blanket.

Unlike the support of the other 7 dharmapalas, she is atop, or surrounded by, the Himalayas. This not only indicates her association with that region but also her origin as Mahakali, daughter of Himalaya, the Indian deity. She also wears the garland of freshly severed heads characteristic of Kali.

The important distinction is that in this instance the sea of boiling blood, the corpses, and entrails are not associated with offerings intended to appease her. Lhamo's ultimate nature is as a support and a protector of the way of compassion. The personal protector of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, Palden Lhamo is especially venerated by the Gelug denomination.

Her mule which she rides side-saddle is led through the flames by Makaravaktra, the makara-headed dakini, with lion-head dakini Simhavaktra following behind.

The sun shines from her navel and her hair is adorned with a crescent moon - peacock feather jewel. Sometimes she is shaded by a peacock feather fan or parasol. Her steed is bridled and trimmed with vipers (like that of Freya, the Norse deity) from which hang a bag of diseases, a ball of magical thread and her dice. One form of mo, the Tibetan system of divination by dice, is associated with her.

Palden Lhamo, Victorious Goddess-Defender of the Mahayana, was armed by the gods themselves. Hevajra is the one who gave her the dice to determine men's lives. Her peacock feather fan is the gift of Brahma. Kubera gave her a lion which protects and decorates her right ear. The naga king gave her a serpent for her left ear. Vajrapani gave her a hammer to use as a weapon. Her mule is the gift of the other gods.
Life Story
Lhamo (Skt. Kaladevi,) also called Remati, was married to Shinje, the king of the dudpos, who at the time of their marriage was the king of Lanka. She had vowed either to gentle him and make him favourable towards the religion of Buddha, or else to see to it that an end be put to that whole dynasty.

Hard as she tried over many years, she could not effect any improvement in his evil ways and so she determined to kill their son who was being raised to be the one to finally do away with Buddhism in that kingdom.

During the king's absence, Devi accomplished the dreadful dead. She killed her son and flayed him, then drank his blood using his skull for a cup and also ate his flesh. She then left the palace and using her son's skin as a saddle cloth, set off for her northern home on one of the king's finest steeds.

On his return, seeing what had happened, the king seized his bow and with a fierce and terrible curse shot off a poisoned arrow, but the arrow only pierced the animal's rump and there it stuck fast. The queen easily neutralized the king's imprecation, and removing the deadly barb she said: "May the wound of my mount become an eye large enough to watch over the twenty-four regions, and may I myself be the one to extirpate the lineage of the malignant kings of Lanka!" Then Palden Lhamo continued northwards, easily traversing India, Tíbet, Mongolia, and part of China, and finally settled, say some people, on the mountain Oikhan, in the Olgon district of Eastern Siberia. This mountain is said to be surrounded by large, uninhabited deserts, and by the ocean Muliding.
what is a Rare find?
This Palden Lahmo is a rare find product, The Rare Find product is an uncommon and elusive product that is difficult to find and likely the only one available for sale. Once sold, Palden Lahmo will be removed from the listings or marked as sold. This rarity and exclusivity make it highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts, offering a unique and irreplaceable addition to any collection.
Use of Real Gold
This thangka of Palden Lahmo has real gold painted on its surface along with other paints. This is an ancient process of decorating the thangka in Tibetan Buddhism, Here gold is ground into gold dust, which is then mixed with other undisclosed material to make it paintable on the canvas. this mixture is then mixed with transparent glue and painted on the thangka. Read More
Introduction to Thangka
A thangka, also known as tangka, thanka, or tanka, is a vibrant and intricate Tibetan Buddhist painting that serves as a visual representation of spiritual teachings. Crafted with meticulous detail on cotton or silk appliqué, thangkas depict a wide range of subjects including Buddhist deities, sacred scenes, mandalas, and narrative stories. These sacred artworks are traditionally kept unframed and rolled up for storage, resembling ancient scrolls. To protect their delicate nature, thangkas are mounted on textile backings and often adorned with a silk cover on the front. Proper preservation in dry environments is crucial to maintain the integrity and longevity of the silk. Read More
150 cm Tibetan Buddhist Thangka of Palden Lahmo, Real 24k Gold, Hand Painted
Qty pcs
34 cm Buddhist Handmade Statue of Palden Lahmo, Silver and Chocolate Oxidized
Qty pcs
$ 600.00 - 10% off
27 cm Tibetan Statue of Palden Lahmo, with Traditional Color Antique Finishing
Qty pcs
$ 700.00 - 10% off

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