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Date Added : 2023-02-08 02:27:25      (385)Views

Buddhist Handmade Statue of Ekajata, Silver and Chocolate Oxidized , Fierce Protector, Wrathful Manifestation of Wisdom
Ekajati Yijiedi Ichiyasha

Code HME28266
36cm (14")
27cm (11")
13cm (5")
Weight 3.3 kg - 7.28 lbs
Material Copper
Availability Available

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Filling & Blessing
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Click Here to View All Option and Prices
$82 Filling and Blessing
$76 Filling Only
$14 Blessing Only
Statue Finishing
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$102 Partly Gold Plated
$121 Partly Gold Plated with extra gold
$199 HQ, Partly Gold Plated
$102 Electro gold Plated
$131 Electro Gold with painted Face
$131 Electro Gold with Antique finish
$150 Electro Gold Plated with Painted face an
$248 Full Gold with face paint
$228 Full Fire Gold Plated
$345 HQ, Full Fire Gold with face paint
$248 Full Fire Gold Anique Finishing
$354 HQ, Full Fire Gold With Matt Finishing
$374 HQ, Full Fire Gold with Antique Finihsin
$413 HQ Full Gold with Gold Painted Skin
$102 Colors only Basic
$248 Color and Gold Good
$345 Good Quality Color and gold Good Quality
$248 Color Gold and Sivler
$345 HQ, Color and Stond Setting
$491 HQ Gold Empahised Color support
$782 HQ, Cremamic wasable Color, with Gold
$34 Chocolate Oxidized
$34 Dark Chocolate oxidized
$53 Chocolate oxidized with Silver plating
$43 Double Color Oxidation
$43 Chocolate Oxidized with Painted Face
$43 Silver Plated Oxidized
$53 Extra Silver Plated Oxidized with Painte
$63 Silver Plated Double Color Oxidized wit
$121 Silver Plated, Gold ornament, with Doub
$121 Silver Skin and Gold ornaments Plated D
$34 Antique With red Powder
$63 Antique finishing with face paint
$121 Green antique finishing
$179 Painted Antique Finishing
$150 Super Antique
$14 Glossy Finished
$34 Copper Plated
$82 Stone Setting
$92 Stone Setting & Antique Finishing
Quantity PCS US$ 630.00
$ 700.00 -10% off
Shipping Cost
Discount Buddhist
Status: Active
  • Shipping Calculation

    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 4 kg and will cost USD $ 58.66
    - [Package will go by volume weight]

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  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

  • Dispatch
  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

  • Payment
  • Paypal | Credit - Debit Card | Bank Transfer | See More
  • Return
  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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Discount Buddhist
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Ekaja?? or Ekaja??,, also known as M?hac?na-t?r?,one of the 21 Taras, is one of the most powerful and fierce goddesses of Indo-Tibetan mythology. According to Tibetan legends she is an acculturation of the Bön goddess of heaven, whose right eye was pierced by the tantric master Padmasambhava so that she could much more effectively help him subjugate Tibetan demons. Ekajati is also known as 'Blue Tara'. She is generally considered one of the three principal protectors of the Nyingma lineage, along with R?hula and Vajras?dhu (Dorje Legpa).
Often she appears as liberator in the mandala of Green Tara. Along with that her ascribed powers are removing the fear of enemies, spreading joy and removing personal hindrances on the path to enlightenment.
Ekajati is the protector of secret mantras and "as the mother of the mothers of all the Buddhas," represents ultimate unity. As such her own mantra is also secret. She is the most important protector of the Vajrayana teachings, especially the inner tantras and termas. As the protector of mantra she supports the practitioner in deciphering symbolic dakini codes and properly determines appropriate times and circumstances for revealing tantric teachings. Because she completely realizes the texts and mantras under her care, she reminds the practitioner of their preciousness and secrecy. Read More
She is of a blue skin tone, with a high, red chignon ("she who has but one chignon" is another one of her titles). She has one head, three breast, two hands and a third eye. However, she can also be depicted with more body parts; up to twelve heads and twenty four arms, with different tantric attributes (sword, kukuri, phurba, blue lotus axe, vajra)

In another form her hair is arranged in the same single bun with a turquoise forehead curl. This and her other features signify her blazing Loyalty to no duality. Ekajati's single eye gazes into unceasing space, a single fang pierces through obstacles, a single breast "nurtures supreme practitioners as her children." She is naked, like awareness itself, except for a garment of white clouds and tiger skin around her waist. The tiger skin is the realized siddha's garb, which signifies fearless enlightenment. She is ornamented with snakes and a garland of human heads.
In some representations, she stands on a single leg. Her body is dark in color, brown or deep blue. She stands on a flaming mandala of triangular shape. She is surrounded by a fearsome retinue of mamo demonesses who do her bidding in support of the secret teachings, and she emanates a retinue of one hundred ferocious iron she wolves from her left hand. For discouraged or lazy practitioners, she is committed to being "an arrow of awareness" to reawaken and refresh them. For defiant or disrespectful practitioners, she is wrathful and threatening, committed to killing their egos and leading them to dharmakaya, or the ultimate realization itself. She holds in her right hand the eviscerated, dripping red heart of those who have betrayed their Vajrayana vows.

In her most common form she holds an axe, drigug (cleaver) or khatvanga (tantric staff) and a skull cup in her hands. In her chignon is a picture of Akshobhya.
Her demeanour expresses determination. With her right foot she steps upon corpses, symbols of the ego. Her vajra laugh bares a split tongue or a forked tongue and a single tooth. She is dressed in a skull necklace and with a tiger and a human skin. She is surrounded by flames representing wisdom.

When Ekajati appears to yogins in hagiographies, she is especially wrathful. She speaks in sharp piercing shrieks, her eye boils, and she gnashes her fang. At times she appears twice human size, brandishing weapons and served by witches drenched in blood.
Silver and Chocolate Oxidized
The Ekajata features a captivating combination of partly silver plating and dark oxidation. This unique finishing technique combines the lustrous shine of silver with the rich, deep tones achieved through oxidation. In the process of creating this finish, selected areas of the Ekajata are expertly silver-plated, creating a radiant and reflective surface that catches the light. The remaining areas are intentionally oxidized, resulting in a darkened patina that adds depth and character to the piece. Read More
Lost-Wax System
This Ekajata is made by the process of the Lost-Wax system. The lost-wax process, also known as investment casting, is a time-honored technique used to create metal sculptures. It involves several steps that have been practiced for thousands of years. Skilled artisans begin by sculpting a detailed wax model, capturing every intricate detail of the desired sculpture. The wax model is then coated with a ceramic shell, formed by multiple layers of ceramic material. Once the shell has cured, the wax is melted and drained out, leaving behind a cavity. Molten metal is poured into the cavity, creating a precise replica of the original wax model. After the metal has cooled and solidified, the ceramic shell is carefully removed, revealing the final metal sculpture. Read More
18 cm EkajataFull Gold Plated, Old Post, Remakable
Qty pcs
$ 320.00 - 10% off
20 cm Ekajata, Handmade Buddhist Statue, Full Gold Plated Painted Face
Qty pcs
$ 500.00 - 30% off
13 cm Statue of Ekajata Chocolates Oxidation
Qty pcs
$ 64.00 - 10% off

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