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Maitreya Buddha-15724
Date Added : 2018-09-04 20:26:00      (1002)Views

Maitreya Buddha Tibetan Hand Painted Buddhist Thangka Real Gold, Traditional Color , The future Buddha, bringing love and compassion to the world
Jampa Mile Fo Miroku Butsu

Code HME15724
79cm (31")
56cm (22")
Weight 100 gm - 0.22 lbs
Material Cotton Canvas
Availability Subject to Availability

Order configuration (Optional)

Thangka Brocading
Select Option
Click Here to View All Option and Prices
$70 Polyester Brocade Red
$70 Polyester Brocade Green with Yellow door
$70 Polyester Brocade light Green
$70 Polyester Brocade Dark Red with door
$70 Polyester Brocade Red and Gold
$70 Polyester Brocade Yellow
$70 Polyester Brocade Green
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue with Flower desig
$70 Polyester Brocade Yellow ver 2
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue wiht yellow Door
$70 Polyester Brocade Red with Blue door
$70 Polyester Brocade Orange with Black Door
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue with dragons
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue Ver 2
$70 Polyester Brocade Silver color
$70 Polyester Brocade Black with Silver
$70 Polyester Brocade Red with black
$70 Polyester Brocade Blue with Flower ver 2
$70 Polyester Brocade Black with flowers
$70 Polyester Brocade Green Double Dorje
$70 Polyester Brocade Pink
$70 Polyester Brocade Light Blue Dragon
$115 Silk Brocade Golden color
$115 Silk Brocade in Blue
$115 Silk Brocade Green
$115 Silk Brocade Purple
$115 Silk Brocade Red
$181 Khadi Brocade Red
$181 Khadi Brocade Gray
$181 Khadi Brocade Purple with Yellow gate
$181 Khadi Brocade Olive
$181 Khadi Brocade Red
$181 Khadi Brocade Green
$181 Khadi Brocade Red v2
$181 Khadi Brocade Yellow v2
$181 Khadi Brocade Blue v2
Brocade knob
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$5 Metal Brocade Nob [Small]
$10 Metal Brocade Nob
$5 Wooden Brocade Nob [Small]
$10 Wooden Brocade Nob
$40 Carved Brocade Nob
$50 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob - Dargon
$50 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob - Mandala
$70 Carved Gold plated Brocade Nob
Thangka Blessing
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$23 Thangka Blessing
$53 Blessing At Monastry of Choice
Quantity PCS US$ 720.00
Shipping Cost
  • Shipping Calculation

    weight of 1 Pcs of the product is 0.5 kg and will cost USD $ 26.94

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  • Item location: kathmandu, Nepal
    Worldwide shipping

  • Dispatch
  • We normally dispatch the product in 2-5 business days. Else Buyer will be infromed personally about the dispatch Date.

  • Payment
  • Paypal | Credit - Debit Card | Bank Transfer | See More
  • Return
  • 7 days money back, buyer pays return shipping

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About the thangka
This is a hand painted thangka, this thangka is painted on a handmade cotton canvas, using natural thangka color in a traditional Tibetan style by the qualified artist from monastery schools. This thangka is using real gold to paint the golden color.
Size :
We do not measure border of the thangka, so mentioned size is the size of the painting only. Actual size will be 4 to 6 cm larger.
Maitreya Buddha
Benefit Maitreya represents the future state of love emanating from great universal bliss. This is embodied by the Adi Buddha Samantabhadra & gained by using the tools of Vajrayana 'magical' Buddhism & can be realised from the adamantine truth of emptiness embodied by Adi Buddha Vajradhara. The name Maitreya is derived from the Sanskrit word maitri stemming from the old Pali word metta meaning 'loving-kindness' related to Pali word mitta meaning 'friend'. When Maitreya becomes fully realised, he will preside over the Ketumati Pure Land, an earthly paradise. Maitreya is the embodiment of a future state of loving kindness, sympathetic joy, equanimity & compassion which create great bliss & conscious love. Read More
Maitreya resides in Tushita heaven accessible through mediation & sits on a throne seat with two snow lions [Skt. Singhasana] in the frieze. Snow lions are the national symbol of Tibet. Tushita is alluded to by the mountainous landscapes swirling cumulous cloudbanks. His wears a green upper garment of Indian royalty from his shoulders, maroon Buddhist trousers with silk brocade, a blue Mantrayana apron and a sash representing the Himalayan Rainbow [Five Pure Lights of the Mahabhuta]. The small stupa shape in his headdress represents the stupa of the Buddha Sakyamuni's relics to help him identify it when his turn comes to lay claim to his succession. The light green khata loose around his waist is a traditional ceremonial scarf symbolizing purity.

He holds both hands in front of his heart in a hand position signifying the turning the wheel of Buddhist teachings [Skt. dharmachakra mudra]. The left hand holds the stem of a blue lotus or 'night lotus'[Skt. Utpala]. The word utpala means to 'burst open'. This supports an auspicious golden wheel [Skt. Chakra] which represents change, universal cycles of existence such as the changing of the hands of a watch, the seasons of the year, the earth & moon revolving around the sun and these three in turn revolving with other planets. All is in flux, forever changing. Each forward Turning of the wheel represents a movement of Buddhist teaching. This is usually called the turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The eight spokes symbolising the noble Eightfold Path of right Thought [mirror], right Insight or View [mustard seed], right Thought, right Action [bilva fruit], right Effort [durva grass], right Livelihood [curds] and right Contemplation [vermilion powder].

The right hand holds another lotus stem supporting a water pot [Skt. Kalasa] which traditionally contains the primeval water carried by the creator Brahma. This water of creation or water of life [don't confuse with the blue nectar of immortality]represents the pure conscious mind and its ability to regenerate and purify the conscious mind. The water pot is one of the eight auspicious symbols [Skt. Astamangalas] where the word asta means eight. The green nimbus around his head represents his cosmic nature. He is surrounded by a blooming 'pink lotus' [Skt. Kamala] and an unopened bud on her left hand. The Pink lotus blossoms represents the present love and the red unopened bud future love & yet to be born Buddhas. The future here also refers to beneficial changes circumstances that will help bring about. Maitreya's elongated earlobes represent patience; his topknot [Skt. Ushnisa] his abandonment of worldly possessions, the dot [Skt.urna] on his brow on the command chakra [Skt.ajna] represents his transcendent wisdom. The thin blue aureole around his body signifies the highest level of understanding.
It is up to all sentient beings to turn the wheel Maitreya is a future Buddha, an enlightened person who will appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma which are the principles of Buddhism.
Introduction to Thangka
A thangka, also known as tangka, thanka, or tanka, is a vibrant and intricate Tibetan Buddhist painting that serves as a visual representation of spiritual teachings. Crafted with meticulous detail on cotton or silk appliqué, thangkas depict a wide range of subjects including Buddhist deities, sacred scenes, mandalas, and narrative stories. These sacred artworks are traditionally kept unframed and rolled up for storage, resembling ancient scrolls. To protect their delicate nature, thangkas are mounted on textile backings and often adorned with a silk cover on the front. Proper preservation in dry environments is crucial to maintain the integrity and longevity of the silk. Read More
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